Les Feldick
Ministries Store



55-3-1 Program 2003-25

BK 55-3-1 Program 2003-25. These epistles of James, Peter, John, Jude, and on into Revelation were all part and parcel ...

55-3-2 Program 2003-26

BK 55-3-2 Program 2003-26. These early Jewish believers weren't promised the Rapture like we in the Body of Christ have ...

55-3-3 Program 2003-27

BK 55-3-3 Program 2003-27. Peter is preparing these Jewish believers for the fiery trials that are out in front of ...

55-3-4 Program 2003-28

BK 55-3-4 Program 2003-28. The middle wall of partition has been broken down. And now in this Age of Grace, ...