Les Feldick
Ministries Store



53-1-1 Program 2002-45

BK 53-1-1 Program 2002-45. I don't think any portion of Scripture has raised so many questions for us regarding the ...

53-1-2 Program 2002-46

BK 53-1-2 Program 2002-46. Let's discuss the background of the book of James and the rest of the epistles at ...

53-1-3 Program 2002-47

BK 53-1-3 Program 2002-47. And remember, there is nothing in the Book of James that even speaks of the Body ...

53-1-4 Program 2002-48

BK 53-1-4 Program 2002-48. Notice James is writing to the twelve tribes scattered abroad. In other words, they're not in ...