Les Feldick
Ministries Store



52-3-1 Program 2002-41

BK 52-3-1 Program 2002-41. Here we have seven visible things concerning Mt. Sinai.

52-3-2 Program 2002-42

BK 52-3-2 Program 2002-42. There are seven things that pertain to the physical and the visible aspect of Mt. Sinai. ...

52-3-3 Program 2002-43

BK 52-3-3 Program 2002-43. God's going to shake things and that which is superfluous and is unimportant will disappear and ...

52-3-4 Program 2002-44

BK 52-3-4 Program 2002-44. All the sin of the world, all the filth of mankind's sin was laid on ...