Les Feldick
Ministries Store



52-1-1 Program 2002-33

BK 52-1-1 Program 2002-33. You don't have to do anything but BELIEVE! That doesn't mean that we say, I believe, ...

52-1-2 Program 2002-34

BK 52-1-2 Program 2002-34. This is almost a staple of my teaching; that the Abrahamic Covenant in a nutshell, was ...

52-1-3 Program 2002-35

BK 52-1-3 Program 2002-35. Paul in his letters to the churches never, never promised earthly blessings in response to our ...

52-1-4 Program 2002-36

BK 52-1-4 Program 2002-36. Discover the three crucial areas of the Middle East that were intrinsic to the book of ...