Les Feldick
Ministries Store



43-2-1 Program 2000-33

BK 43-2-1 Program 2000-33 - In this episode of Through the Bible, Les begins in II Thessalonians 2:4.

43-2-2 Program 2000-34

BK 43-2-2 Program 2000-34 - In this episode of Through the Bible, Les returns to our study in II Thessalonians ...

43-2-3 Program 2000-35

BK 43-2-3 Program 2000-35 - In this episode of Through the Bible, Les starts our study in II Thessalonians 2:7.

43-2-4 Program 2000-36

BK 43-2-4 Program 2000-36 - In this episode of Through the Bible, Les begins in II Thessalonians 2:9.